Archive for February, 2007

Will the Democrats nominate a bigot?

February 8, 2007

Not that I often vote for Democrats, but their field of qualified nominees for president is rapidly shrinking.

First, Obama demonstrates that he isn’t qualified by getting all bent out of shape about people making fun of his ears. Not presidential material.

Now, John Edwards demonstrates bigotry by tolerating his paid bloggers spewing anti-Catholic hatred.

Oh well, hopefully the Republicans and third parties will find some alternatives that aren’t bigoted or wimps.

The winter of ’77-’78

February 6, 2007

Cheryl Truman has written an excellent article in this morning’s paper about the winter of ’77-’78 in Lexington

I had just moved here from Columbus a few months before. My Pinto was just about unusable for much of the time, since there was virtually no snow removal. A friend in a big SUV drove me to and from work many days.

We are expecting 3-6 inches of snow this afternoon and tonight.

My mechanic has made some progress with my car, by finding that the alternator was weak. Not sure yet if we can save the old battery. He was going to check it this morning.

Entry for February 05, 2007

February 5, 2007

It’s been a fairly wild few days around here.

I had a scratchy throat early last week. It exploded into a nasty cold, and I spent most of Thursday and Friday in bed. Saturday, I woke up with terrible groin pain, which was in some ways similar and in some ways different than the pain I’ve had with kidney stones. But, with a low level fever, I think what I had was a urinary tract infection. Fortunately it cleared up quickly.

KA4MKG and WA4UIV had the flu last week, and it really sounds miserable.

My big car (with all the radios) is in the shop today with electrical problems. It kills new batteries rather quickly, so either the alternator is weak, or the wiring has bad connections.

We have had light snow the last several mornings, and of course, cold temperatures.

The men’s teams picked up a couple nice road wins, Kentucky beat Arkansas and Ohio State beat Michigan State. Both women’s teams were winners yesterday