Archive for August, 2011

Wrapping up July

August 2, 2011

If I could only use one word to describe July it would be “hot”. If I were allowed a second word it would be “humid”. But I’ve had lots of company as I understand a record high temperature was set somewhere in all 50 states during July.

I bought a new car for the first time since 1988, a Toyota RAV4. I had decided that I wanted a small SUV, and had hoped to buy used. But used prices are so high that it really only made sense to buy new.

The Blue Jackets seem to have assembled their team for 2011-2012 with the acquisition of Jeff Carter, James Wisniewski and Vinny Prospal.

I acquired a lot of radio equipment in July. I got a near-new Yaesu FT-857D that is destined for the RAV4. I also picked up some vintage Drake gear from an estate sale near Indianapolis but I haven’t had a chance to sort through it yet.

I was surprised the other day to receive a certificate for the 2010 IARU HF World Championship. Apparently I made the Top Ten in the US and Canada in the QRP Mixed-mode category. It was my first appearance in the Top Ten Box in a major contest in 35 years of hamming.